Saturday, May 12, 2012

God's directions for His calling

Learn to depend on God. When He calls you to do something, He will direct and provide everything you need. Live by faith in God's Word.

I love this I found this while searching for something on the internet and I just had to post this and share this. It rings so very true . Hope this is an inspiration to many it has been to myself.

asking for guidence

God placed a calling on my life a a few years ago well more then that to go into ministry and to serve Him and at first I didnot listen but I am more then ready and have been for the past couple of years to move foward and answer my calling. i know what it is and i am praying for His guildence as to what to do next. I am to go into Evanglisum and to join forces in out reach ministry . I am very excited and so full of joy to be able to serve God in this way. One part of my ministry that was layed on my heart and directed by God was this blog a way to spread the word to million's of ppl . I am not perfect and have fallen short many many times but He always forgives me and is there to pick me up and help me carry on. Please pray that God will contiune to uncover the details for me and to lead me in the right direction.

prayer , prayer, prayer needed

My heart is so very heavy right now I am feeling at a loss in a way. There is something going on in my life and the life of a few others that really needs prayer. I pray and ask for u all to pray that God intervines and has His will with all of this. I pray that He and i know He does have His hand in this as we speak. There are alot of changes going on at work and alot of things going on we do not understand and frankly it's scarey just need prayer and guidence from our Lord to get through this. I pray for my co-workers, director , the owner's of the school everyone involved to be lead by the spirt of God and have their hands and feet be guided only for the good. I rebuke the devil out of our school away from us and our kids just to leave as we speak this in God's name. I pray that our wonderful children will not be effected in anyway shape or form and we can continue to teach, guide, lead, and care for these kids each and everyday. I pray that the lord will renew a spirt and peace over the school . amen.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

my struggle

I am really struggleing with something in my life right now . There is a change being made that I am not sure I want to happen. I am praying for God to give me peace about it and settle my spirt. I pray just like the song says change my heart oh God make it ever true change my heart oh God make me more like you. You are the potter and I am the clay mold me and make me this is what I pray. I truely am seeking him and praying this . I the devil has tried to jump on my back so bad this week and fight me but God has overcome. I know that if this is Gods will that it has a purpose and it is for the very best. I may not see it now but He will reveal to me why in His time. I just have to trust and pray daily.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

Today is Easter sunday the day of resurection of our Lord the one who died on that cross so we could have enternal life. The one who gave up His life for our own . For our sins they were washed away by His blood. He is so wonderful and awesome and loves us so very much. Wow when that stone was rolled away what did they find? Did they find a body still cold ? NO they found nothing but an empty tomb. Praise God He arose from the grave He lives , He lives, He lives. Because He lives I can face tomorow. Amen for that. God is so good to us everyday He loves us no matter what we have done. No matter what the crime or sin may be He loves us more then anything. What a strong love to have for someone to give up your very own life to save someone elses life. How many of us could say hey brother or sister I would glady give up my life for your life? Not many I would think but this is just what He did . He did say my children I will give up my life for your life , for your sins that you may live forever with me. Wow I dont know about you but I am so grateful for this gift He gave me and you .

Back on track

Hi everyone  I am back on track the devil has tried his hardest to pull me away from my calling, this blog , and my ministry for God. I have been going thru some trying times the last few months . Somethings i just dont understand and i admit I have slipped a few times and forgot to pray or seek Him in my life as to what direction i should be going. I am not perfect and I to am a sinner but God has pulled back in once again and for that i am very thankful.
  I am back on track with my calling I feel ever so strongly in my bones, my heart, and my life. I want to praise Him , glorify Him and always do His work. Live the Godly life as a true women of God. I hope this blog grows and I gain more followers because that means I am reaching people and God is touching their lives thru me. He will always always get the glory and honnor I am mearly just the messagner.
  As I move foward with my callling in His direction I pray that you will be touched and come to know Christ as ur personal savior. Please post prayer request I will pray daily for you and your needs. Comment , ask questions be an active part of this Blog because this is a true ministry for God.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

New prayer request Please pray.

I have new prayer request just in. Please be with the family of a member of my church . The family of Ray Waytt he has just passed away with brain cancer. This took him fast stage 4 cancer creep up on him before the doc's new.He just passed so please pray that God will be with this sweet family as they try to cope with the loss of a wonderful man.
 A friend of mine I work with a close friend his mother has just been told that her cancer has returned. a year an a half ago she had her eye removed from the socket and replaced with a glass eye because she had a tumor that was cancer . She has just been told that it has returned. They are off to another state for treatment Please pray that God will have his will and He will reach down and heal her eye take the cancer away once again. I totaly beleive in His devine healing and i know He can do this .
 I also have another request a friend of mine's sister is a high risk pregnacy and she is having alot of problems she is 5 months preg and his already 1cm. Please pray that God will help her and protect her and her baby that she can have a a safe and healthy rest of her pregnacy and the baby will be just fine.

If you have any prayer request please feel free to leave them in the comment box and I will pray over them everyday. I know the other's that follow this blog will do the same. Wow the power of prayer is a wonderful thing.